We understand how important your online business is. We provide the tools and services to make sure your website is always running at its very best.
Platforms we maintain
What can Maintenance include?
Everything you need to keep things running smoothly.
We understand how important your online business is. We provide the tools and services to make sure your website is always running at its very best.
After a website has been built regular maintenance and continual improvement is often forgotten about. We always recommend to our clients to take on regular maintenance so that their site continues to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing online environment.
Magento maintenance can include many things:
- Technical support (phone & email)
- Improvement suggestions
- New features
- Bug fixes
- Security patches
- Uptime monitoring
- Perfomance optimisaiton
- Database maintenance
- General site updates
- Third party service debugging & maintenance
As part of your maintenance agreement with us, we include technical support, training, and troubleshooting services.
Magento & Shopify are a very powerful platforms which can have many features that you may not even know about. We are on hand to provide assistance and training to help get the most from your online store.
Magento is a remarkably robust platform, however regular security and maintenance patches should be installed, tested and deployed as quickly as possible to keep your site secure.
Clients who are on regular maintenance agreements with us are automatically protected - when a new patch is released, we quickly action it with testing, installation and deployment. Peace of mind is only a phone call away!
Magento has a regular release schedule of improvements and security updates.
Keeping your site on the latest version helps prevents your site from being compromised, and improves the maintainability of the website.
Do you know if your website is working right now? You have an important online store, you need to make sure it is accessible to the public at all times.
We can setup and maintain uptime monitoring on your website. With instant notifications of downtime, our team can swing into action and fix any issues that may be affecting your site.
Included in regular maintenance we can also prepare new features and suggestions to your site.
A website should never remain static, it should always be evolving - with us by your side we can make sure your site is always prepared to rival the competition.
Maintenance can also include the debugging of website issues. We can help find any problems the site may have and fix them before they become an issue.
Using a range of services and profiling tools, we can fix just about anything!